Winter Wonderland

Maybe it’s because I was born and raised in BC where it rarely snowed at all, but the first snowfall of the year always sets my stomach in knots.  I instantly worry about packed roadways, icy driving conditions and all the irresponsible drivers who don’t believe in snow tires – all of which collectively contribute to an extra hours’ commute time, if not longer.

But out here in the country, there’s something different about that first snowfall.  Magical even…

For as the first sliver of light cuts into the final shadows of yestereve, I begin to make out the icy crystals as they gracefully descend on their peaceful journey towards a plush carpet of snowy white, individual flakes swirling in the faint whisper of an early morning breeze, teasing the eye with just a hint of sparkle…

It’s like the frustration and chaos of bumper-to-bumper highways and slippery city streets belong to a different world, one far, far away from this peaceful interlude…

Out here in the country, the first snowfall of the year is awesome.

But more than that, it’s awe-inspiring.

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.