
After the scare we received at the beginning of the year when a tree fell against our house, we decided to have a professional evaluate the health of all trees on our property. He’d stopped by a couple of months ago and identified 10 trees that were either dead or dying and should therefore be removed.

Of greatest concern was a huge tree just off our back porch. It was one of the larger trees on the lot, and directly in line with our kitchen. Considering how heavy the smaller tree that hit our house in January was (I know because we had to cut it up ourselves to move it), I could only imagine the kind of damage this one would do to our house if it were to fall in that direction.

It was a full day’s work for the 3 person team, who spent a lot of time in the air – definitely not a job for someone afraid of heights! Due to the weight of the trees, they had to lop off a bit of tree at time and then finally do a controlled fall for the remaining trunk.

Then they had to cut everything up into pieces small enough to carry away.

It was sad to see the trees come down, as they were one of the key features we liked about our property. But of course it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially with the high winds we can get out here.

At least now the only damage will be to my pocketbook… I can assure you that taking down 10 trees is not a cheap endeavor!

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.