Sayonara Starbucks!

Last year, just prior to Christmas, one of the Ladies at the office brought in a Cranberry Bliss bar that she’d purchased from Starbucks.  OMG it was good!!!  I was instantly addicted… and so you could imagine my dismay when I found out Starbucks only brought them in for the holiday season.

I waited all year for another Cranberry Bliss bar… and as soon as they were available, I brought a package home so my husband could see what I’d been raving about for an entire year.  It didn’t last long…

Then came the invite to my sister-in-law’s for Christmas Dinner and the big question about what to bring for dessert.  My husband’s vote was for the Cranberry Bliss bar, and I must admit for a moment I was sorely tempted.  Any excuse for another one of those bars…

But then reality set in.  There was no way I could justify not bringing something homemade for Christmas dinner.  We were now country folk, and a store-bought dessert just didn’t fit with my idea of country hospitality.

So, I googled Cranberry Bliss Bar recipe and hit pay dirt.  The recipe I chose was absolutely amazing, even better than the Starbucks’ original.  And when I brought them out after Christmas dinner, they disappeared in a flash. 

YES!!!  I’d done it again, firmly solidifying my reputation as the family’s Master Dessert Baker Extraordinaire.

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.