Red Tagged Again!

Who gets their gas shut off twice?  Other than us, I mean…

Last Wednesday, I received an urgent call from my husband.  A gas technician had just come by to do a routine meter reset. When my husband let him into the house to relight the furnace pilot light, the technician smelled gas, tested and shut the gas off again.

I immediately called Terry, but he was busy and recommended I give his friend Al a call.  So I called Al, who came the following day to fix the leak.

Shortly after Al left, I went downstairs to the freezer and heard splashing water. I ran to the utility room and found water pouring out of the dehumidifier attached to the side of the furnace. So I flipped the main furnace switch to off and then made a panicked call to Al.  He came right back to check things out.

As soon as he returned, Al shut off the water flow to the dehumidifier and opened it up, with me peeking anxiously over his shoulder.  We found nothing but a plastic tube where the water had obviously been draining from and a huge gaping hole in the side of the furnace.  Al couldn’t believe the furnace was still bone dry and told me I was really, really lucky.

Al swears he didn’t turn the dehumidifier on during his first visit, but I’m not sure how else the water flow could have started.

In any event, Al will be installing a new dehumidifier for me next week.

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.