Our First Christmas

The first Christmas in our new home was a very peaceful one.

We had already spent Christmas Eve with my husband’s family and so on Christmas Day it was just the two of us. As we’d both been quite busy over the past month, we were looking forward to a couple of days of rest and relaxation.

It had snowed overnight, and we woke up to a gorgeous winter wonderland. It was a beautiful view from the living room window and we drank it in as we chatted over our morning coffee.

After a leisurely breakfast, I puttered a bit in the kitchen and then took a nap. It was a wonderfully guilt-free lazy day…

A very different sort of Christmas than past years, and I really enjoyed it.  Life is slowing down for us out here, and today in particular I’m really loving this new life stage.

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.