Monster Weed!

I’ve learned very quickly that weeds grow faster than flowers.  In fact, they grow much faster than absolutely everything else.  It seems as quickly as I can pull out one weed, two more magically appear!

As novice gardeners, we’re extremely grateful that the previous owners knew what they were doing.  The gardens in front and back have all been well edged and nicely staged so that we’re enjoying an everchanging blaze of brilliant colour all summer long.  These gardens are also so well-established that during the peak of summer the house is barely visible from the road.  It’s an added bonus that contributes to our feeling of living in our own private oasis, even though we really don’t require much additional privacy on our very quiet street.


Along the front of our house is a row of snowball bushes badly in need of a trim.  Snowballs are not my favourite, so quite frankly I’d been ignoring them until I could figure out what to do with that area.  That is, until the day before our family BBQ.

I happened to be outside admiring the front garden and imagining how my impressed my mother-in-law was going to be with everything perfectly mulched and totally weed-free.  All my hours and hours spent weeding had most definitely paid off.  I was starting to feel pretty smug about my newfound gardening skills; that is, until I glanced towards the house and saw an absolute monster of a weed standing at proud attention behind the snowball bushes.

Holy crap!  Where the heck did that come from?  I swear it wasn’t there last time I looked. 

Out it came, along with a few shorter cousins growing beside it.

Phew!  That was one close call narrowly avoided. 

Bring on the BBQ… and my mother-in-law…

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.