It’s Strawberry Season Again!

I have a love/hate relationship with strawberry season.

Every year for longer than I care to remember, I’ve faithfully gone strawberry picking and then spent the next 10-12 hours standing over the sink, processing berries into 1 cup bags so that I would have them for my morning smoothies over the following year.

Here I am from back in 2016, when I got quite the haul. It was the first time I’d used the sun hat my friend brought back from Korea for me, and it worked like a charm!

This year I had so much going on, I decided to purchase strawberries from the local farm rather than pick them myself.

Surprisingly enough, the price per pound wasn’t all that much different from the U-pick price.

And what a time savings!

It used to take me most of the morning to pick the berries. Then I would come home tired and dreading the hours I would be spending hunched over the sink with my hands in the water. By the end of it, my feet would be stinging and my back would be aching.

But today I was able to start washing and bagging the berries while I was still fresh and my energy was high. I put on some tunes and before I knew it, the job was done.

I didn’t get as many bags as I wanted, so I’ll be going back tomorrow morning to pick up a couple more boxes. So much easier to break the processing work up into two sessions.

I’ll definitely be using the same strategy next year.

Suddenly, strawberry season doesn’t seem quite as bad…

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.