Happy Birthday, Mom

Couldn’t be with you on your birthday, so I’m creating a virtual bouquet for you instead.

It was so uplifting to take a walk around the yard earlier today and realize that Spring is almost here. The sun is out, the crocuses are blooming and the daffodils are well on their way.

Though it’s still a little cool, it was warm enough to finally pull out the snowball plants in front of the house that were totally out of control. We want to replace the siding this year and I thought it would be easier to pull everything out before any new growth began.

We may still be locked down, but at least today we weren’t locked in…

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.