Country Christmas

This year it was our turn to host Christmas Eve dinner and my husband’s family was thinking it would be pretty cool to spend Christmas in the “country”. 

City folk through and through, I’m sure they spent a fair bit of timing planning for the “trek”.  One of my sisters-in-law initially assumed we would be forced to buy everyone online from Amazon because with us being so far out of the city there wouldn’t be any stores nearby.  (Still not sure how I kept a straight face when explaining to her that there were indeed stores where we lived, even a Walmart!!!)

Distance concerns aside, everyone made the trek and we all had a very nice time.  As my husband and I are vegetarians, we didn’t prepare a traditional Christmas dinner with all the fixings, but there was ham for the rest of the family. 

I think there may have been some disappointment that we didn’t have a traditional Christmas tree and log fire burning, but with our three curious cats that would have been disastrous. Instead, we organized a few games, and the grand prize winner received one of my famous banana loafs to take home.  (I’m proud to say there was a lot of competition for that coveted prize.)

And since Christmas is for kids, there were lots of gifts for our little niece…

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.