Another New Door

Homestars is a pretty cool service.

Within minutes of posting my request for popcorn ceiling removal, three people had either called or texted me.  After having each of them pop by to take a few measurements, I chose to go with Benny. He seemed like the nicest of the three and his quote was the most reasonable.

Fortuitously, he also knew a handyman carpenter who could install a door between the second bedroom and sitting room. I think the previous owner had left an open doorway between the two rooms to create a suite-like environment for an elder parent. We wanted to close the rooms off from each other to create a more privacy for our guest room.

Martin, the carpenter, also gave me a reasonable quote. I was concerned that the door might look a little funny because of the thickness of the wall, which used to be an outside wall before the addition to that end of the house.

Martin assured me he’d done this sort of thing before, and that it would look really good when he was done.  And Martin was absolutely right, it did look great and I’m very pleased with the way it turned out. He made the door flush with the wall on the sitting room side, where we would be spending more of our time.

During the course of our conversation, Martin told me that he loved doing crown moulding and that he would be happy to quote our entire place.

How handy is that?!!!

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.