Spring is Here!

After being away for a few days for business, I came home to a lovely sea of yellow daffodils all around the property.  What a way to be welcomed home!

The temperature has really warmed up here and I’m looking forward to spending time in the garden.  Having come from a townhouse complex where all I could do was place a ring of flowers around the tree in our front year, I can’t wait to expand the scope of my gardening.

The flowerbeds in front of the house were well maintained but nearly spent when we were looking at the property last fall, so I’m excited to see what’s going to grow this year.  My plan is to take stock of what we’ve got and then start putting my personal touch on it next year.

When we purchased the property last year, I must admit I was more focused on the size of the lot as opposed to what would be required to maintain it.  Now that the snow is gone, there are hundreds of branches strewn everywhere – big ones, little ones, in-between ones.  When I called a local yard maintenance company for a quote to get entire property cleaned up, the $2100 price tag was a little too steep.

So I guess we’ll be doing it ourselves, for this year at least.  But where to even start…

I guess the first thing I’ll do is clean up all the leaves from the flower beds.  When we moved in late last fall, the first snow fell before we were able to rake up all the leaves. We’ve got at over 30 maple trees on our property, which makes for a lot of leaves.  I’ll certainly be busy for a while…

About the author

Lisa is an indie author and former bodybuilder who also writes about fitness and nutrition. Since moving to the country, she's nurturing a newfound appreciation for gardening and early morning walks with hubby and puppy.